Wednesday 18 December 2013

Day Eighteen

Day Eighteen - Two days left! :) Tweet your thoughts.
Since I can't go on twitter, I will just be making a text post on here.

This challenge is going great! I'm glad I picked no social media. I feel stress free. I've been doing good things and facing my fears!

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Day Seventeen

Day Seventeen - What are your true beliefs about this challenge so far?

Monday 16 December 2013

Day Sixteen

Day Sixteen - Text your accountability buddy about your challenge!

Day Fifteen

Day Fifteen - Don't complain about your challenge all day. Here's a video! :)

Day Fourteen

Day Fourteen - Do something that scares you! One of the teachers at my school has a tarantula! So I decided to get over my fear and hold it. Here's a video.

Friday 13 December 2013

Day Thirteen

Day Thirteen - My job was to get up early and do my challenge. So. Here.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Day Twelve

Day Twelve - My job was to email or talk to a parent about my challenge. Here is a screen shot!

Day Eleven

Day Eleven - My job today was to inspire someone! I talked to my brother and asked him if he would ever give up xbox. He just looked at me. I told him about my challenge. I told him that it actually feels good to not be caught up in social media. He's a teenage boy so of course he was not impressed. But he told me he would consider it! :)

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Day Ten

Day Ten - My job today is to talk about the pros and cons of my challenge.

Day Nine

Day Nine - My challenge today was to pick a bad habit involving my challenge and ditch it. My by habit is always thinking about social media. When I'm just sitting at home bored I think about going on social media then realize I can't. I honestly don't think I have an addiction to social media, I just think I'm used to the routine of constantly going on. To get rid of this habit I am going to keep myself busy. I will do things that are a good use of time. Like volunteering at the humane society, or other places. I will spend more time with m friends and family. Maybe finish reading a few books. Hopefully my bad habit will go away. :)

Monday 9 December 2013

Day Eight

Day Eight - My job was to find someone else who has done my challenge or is still doing it.

Here is a link to an article I really liked :

Day Seven

Day Seven - My challenge for day seven is too capture a video of me doing something new, instead of social media. So here you go. :)

 This one is kinda pointless! But I had self satisfaction! :)

Day Six

Day Six - My job for day six was to capture 5 images that capture my emotions about how my challenge is going! My five images are very different. The top left picture represents me being adventurous. This challenge has opened my eyes. There's better things to do than sit on facebook all day. The top right picture represents that I'm grateful. I'm happy I have support from my friends through this challenge. The bottom left picture represents that it's going pretty great! I have not been on social media. The bottom middle picture represents the challenging part. It gets a little bit stressful, because some of my friends don't live in Moose Jaw. The way I usually have contact with them is through social media. But I can't do that right now. The bottom right picture represents my boredom. Sometimes when I have nothing to do I just think "Oh I'll scroll through facebook or tumblr!" but I can't do that. I usually used social media to pass time. Overall, my challenge is going great.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Day Five

Day Five - Today is reflection day! My challenge has been going good! I've had some struggles but I've been doing okay. I have NOT gone on any social media. My friends have been supporting me along the way. I've been spending time with friends and family. I have also been reading a bit more than usual. I think my challenge has helped me spend time in a more useful way.

Day Four

Day Four - My job was to text my best friend about my challenge! I sent a text to my friend Krista and we had a chat about our challenges! She has been encouraging me along the way. And she selected me as her accountability buddy. Check out her challenge!

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Day Three

Day Three was shout-out day! I was supposed to post a picture related to my challenge on instagram. Since my challenge does not allow me to use instagram I took a picture and am sharing it on this blog. :) I have now deleted all of my social media apps!

Day Two

Day Two - I needed to find an accountability buddy. Somebody who will make sure I do what I have to do! I chose my best friend Brooklynn. Check out her challenge.

Day One

Day One - Just a description of what I'm doing.

Monday 2 December 2013

Hey guys. My name is Christina. I am going to be completing a 20 day challenge for a school assignment! I will be documenting my progress on this blog. The challenge I have selected will be to use no social media over the next 20 days. Watch the video I will be posting for more information!